If you pay attention to headlines it’s likely that you’ve seen that Li-ion or “lithium” batteries are causing big problems with the Samsung Note 7 phone. The issue has become so serious, that airlines are banning the use of the phone on flights and Samsung has recalled all the Note 7 phones and halted sales […]
Could we use Old Cell Phones to Power our Homes…our Cars?
Billions of cell phones have been produced in the last few decades. When we purchase a new phone, most of use don’t trade-in the old one or sell it to a place like Gazelle. Sure, a small fraction of those old phones are recycled. All of their tiny components are extracted and add up to […]
Battery Dilemma! Why and How to Recycle Them
Battery powered remotes, hair trimmers, toothbrushes, cameras, and all kinds of electronic gadgets contribute to the $45-billion-dollar global battery market. Battery demand for low and medium power electronic devices grows at a rate of six percent or more per year. Massive amounts of resources go into research, design and building different single use and rechargeable […]