People who first drove their cars with every aerodynamic advantage in mind, while shifting into neutral to use only the power of gravity to propel their vehicle down every hill, were among the pioneers to lay claim to the nickname of "hypermiler". They understood the importance of reducing the mass of their car, so they removed spare tires, … [Read More...]
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Find Green Jobs Fast with these Top 3 websites!
There has never been a more exciting time to look for jobs in the green energy and technology sector. With increasing concerns of global warming and the desire to lessen dependence on fossil fuels, there has been greater focus on creating sustainable … [Continue Reading...]
Are HE Washing Machines Bogus?
Save time, save money, save energy, save water and still get cleaner clothes? Convince me... In recent years, there have been tremendous improvements in the energy efficiency and effectiveness of products that we use everyday. It's probably an … [Continue Reading...]
Copenhagen Wheel makes your ordinary bike Electric!
Electric-assist bicycles, or e-bikes, have been on the market for quite some time, but they’ve failed to create a transportation revolution or really any significant change in the way people commute to work, school, and other places for their daily … [Continue Reading...]
Gift Guide to Saving Our Planet!
If you have an opportunity to show your love for friends and family, why wouldn't you give them a gift that has the power to make the world a better place? These innovative gifts have the ability to showcase the potential of an emerging technology, … [Continue Reading...]
Fight Back! Choose this Weapon in your War against Energy Waste
Your home or building is surrounded on all sides by the forces of nature that want to steal the heating and cooling energy from your structure. Easily turn the tide in this battle, by turning energy waste into energy savings. Fight back these energy … [Continue Reading...]
Solar Company Eclipsing the Competition
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How can Energy Star products save you money?
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Urban Planning: Shaping Future Cities of the World
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Be an Energy Saving Hero to your Community, Group, Neighbors, or even your entire Town
Wouldn't it be great if you could make a huge impact on the energy savings of a large group of people or even your entire town? Your efforts could change the lives of hundreds or thousands of people by helping them save money, reduce green house … [Continue Reading...]
Insteon LED Light Bulb: The Smartest Bulb in the World!
Home automation is rapidly moving from the realm of science fiction to reality. Imagine arriving home in the evening and with a tap on a smartphone your entryway is instantly lit, before you step our of your car. Insteon, a leader in the home … [Continue Reading...]
Battery Dilemma! Why and How to Recycle Them
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Which is better: Cheap Gas or More Expensive, Environmentally Friendly Energy?
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